With so many programs and activities offered for high school students, there are a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for parents and other interested adults and young adults. All adults working with the youth must be Safe & Sacred certified as directed by the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana to keep our children and youth safe.
Assist with making sure teens stay safe and participate in the activities along with them if you’re willing. Chaperones are needed for Wednesday Youth Nights, retreats and other various events throughout the year.
SRE Catechists
Teach or help teach a Religious Education class on Sunday morning. Should be a faith-filled individual with knowledge of the faith and able to find answers to teens' questions.
Confirmation Small Group Leaders
Sunday evenings in December and January we need adults to not only lead sophomores in discussion, but to walk with them in the journey to become mature members of the Catholic Church. Training and formation provided. Should be a faith filled individual with a desire to meet teens where they’re at with the faith.
Willing to assist at receptions, large meetings, special events with serving food, decorating, overseeing sign-ins, or cleanup afterward.
Activity Coordinator
Organize and oversee Youth Ministry activities and/or trips small or large.
Office Volunteer
Assist in the youth ministry office during regular business hours. Make phone calls, make copies, file, create fliers, etc.