Our pastorate is excited to offer a Couples' Retreat on February 7-8, 2025! We invite all married couples to attend this retreat and invest in their vocation of marriage.
What is the "theme" of the retreat? All of the retreat's talks and activities will center around Catholic writer and speaker, Matthew Kelly's popular book, The Seven Levels of Intimacy. You do not need to read this book ahead of time; you'll be given a copy for future use when you attend the retreat.
Who is this marriage retreat for? This marriage retreat is a time of enrichment and renewal for all married couples. You should think about coming if: -You've been happily married 50 years -You're newlyweds -You have 8 kids -You have no kids -You are a blended family -Your marriage is struggling -Your marriage is fine and dandy -One of you is more committed to the marriage than the other -You are still very much lovebirds -You feel like you've grown apart or live separate lives -Spending a weekend at a marriage retreat isn't "your thing" as a couple
Any couple has the potential of getting a lot out of this weekend. Having a variety of couples and their experiences is actually an enormous asset to a retreat. The weekend is about carving out a little time as a couple to focus on your marriage - however it's going at the moment - having time to bond and reflect together without your normal distractions, and inviting Christ to be a part of your married life together.
What is the retreat schedule? Is it overnight? The retreat consists of Friday evening and all day Saturday. Couples will return to their own homes to sleep. Here is a general schedule for the retreat:
Friday, February 7th: 6-9 pm: Gather at St. Joan of Arc Opening of retreat, mingling, snacks Eucharistic adoration and opportunity for Confession
Couples return to their own homes overnight.
Saturday, February 8th: 8:30 am - 8:00ish pm: Gather at Knights of Columbus Hall Retreat all day (breakfast & lunch included) Couples dismissed at 2:45 pm to go home and get ready for Mass Couples attend 4:30 pm Mass together at St. Joan of Arc (couples will receive a special blessing at Mass) Return to K of C Hall after Mass Retreat wrap-up w/ nice dinner & social What is the cost of the retreat? The retreat cost is $100 per couple. This includes all of your materials, snacks, and three meals on Saturday.
What if my spouse isn't Catholic? What if I'm not Catholic yet? We welcome you attend!
When's the deadline for signing up? Friday, January 31 at noon. Registration is now closed.
I have questions. Who do I contact? Please reach out to Chad Grube, Associate Director of Faith Formation: [email protected] (765) 452-6021 x204 (765) 865-9964 x204
How do I register? To register, please follow the registration button below. You will have the option to pay online, or you can submit your registration and bring payment (check, cash) to the Pastorate Office at St. Joan of Arc or leave in the locked dropbox at St. Patrick Church (checked daily) .
REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED! The link below is now only for those who still need to make their payment.